Krewe of Andres de Pez Presents the Molly Ringwalds
The Molly Ringwalds at The Deluna Winery
September 04, 7:30 PM
Pensacola, 116 E Gonzalez St, Pensacola, FL 32501, USA
Let the good times roll with The Krewe of Andres de Pez and The Molly Ringwalds.
Ticket information:
General Admission - $35.00
VIP - $65.00 Includes two drink tickets, an appetizer, and access to the VIP Area
VIP Table - $650.00
Depez Krewe members $25 will enjoy a roped-off area and three drink tickets.
The event space will open at 7:30 PM
The Ringwalds will be playing from 9:30 PM -11:30 PM
No tickets being issued for the Molly's. We will have a master list of who has prepaid at the door and issue wrist bands. If you didn't purchase at ticket/tickets early you can still buy tickets the night of at the door. VIP is first come, first get in
General Admission Only
VIP Includes 2 Drinks & Appetizer
VIP Table includes 2 Drinks Each & Appitizer
Krewe Depez Members Only; Limit 2