Event Info:
Check Check…..Check Check…..Radio Check.
Now hear this! The 1st Annual Turkey Fry/No Shave Movember event is just two days away. Come out to show off those Glorious beards or come out to help an amazing cause to help feed the needy and homeless.
For those of you who want to volunteer to help cook and or serve, we have some slots available for the morning shift and afternoon shifts. Morning shift is 8AM - 1PM and afternoon shift is 1PM to 6PM.
We are reserving a time slot of 4PM to 6PM and possibly later to cook your individual birds for Krewe Members. We plan to tear down most of the fryers and clean up after 6PM but if the need is still there we will leave a select few fryers off to the side for the final birds.
You can sign up to help by posting to this thread or by reaching out to Andy Majewski, Kevin Foster, David Larsen or myself.
We will need a headcount with regards to who wants to cook their Thanksgiving turkey on Wednesday.
Looking forward to a great turnout!!
Admiral XX! Jay Saiter
Please donate what you can
Fellow PEZ Krewemen,
The Krewe is proud to announce the inaugural Krewe of Andres Depez Movember. This is a fund-raising opportunity to give back to our community and have some fun while bringing attention to Men's Health.
The money raised this year will allow DePez to provide Thanksgiving meals for some of the challenged families from Sherwood Elementary. This will ensure that these families have a Thanksgiving meal this year. The remainder of the money raised will go to national Movember
Foundation to continue Men's Health programs...
"Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent."
As you are aware, Krewemen are dying before their time. We have lost Paul Grover, John Hasting, Finley Holmes, Brent Beckstrom and Bill Meador. Admiral Robbie Mott is recovering from colon cancer. Not to mention our friends and families. We want to bring more attention to men's health challenges including but not limited to: colon cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, heart health and suicide prevention. Many of these can be mitigated if screened and caught early enough.
Among other challenges our community has elementary students who typically only get a square meal at school. Many of these students are also homeless.
We will be working with Sherwood Elementary councilors to select most needy families. Many of these are off the radar. Andy’s stepmom is a teacher, and a high school classmate is the guidance counselor.
Depending on contributions we may also reach out to support other organizations in need in our community.
The Krewe will have a Movember challenge that allows each Krewemen to donate what they would spend in shaving products and donate it to the fundraiser. More details to follow about the Movember Challenge
Andy Majewski-Admiral II
David Redmond Current President